never executed always true always false
1 {-|
2 Module: Y2021.D16
3 Description: Advent of Code 2021 Day 16 Solutions.
4 License: MIT
5 Maintainer: @tylerjl
7 Solutions to the 2021 day 16 set of problems for <>.
8 -}
9 module Y2021.D16
10 ( parse16
11 , part16A
12 , part16B
13 ) where
15 import Control.Applicative
16 import Data.Attoparsec.Text as P
17 import Data.Either.Utils (fromRight)
18 import Data.Foldable
19 import Data.Monoid
20 import Data.Text (Text)
22 import qualified Data.Text as T
23 import qualified GHC.Exts as L
25 -- |Solution to part A
26 part16A :: Text -> Int
27 part16A = sumVersion . parse16
29 sumVersion :: Packet -> Int
30 sumVersion (PacketLit v _) = v
31 sumVersion (PacketOp v _ ps) = v + getSum (foldMap (Sum . sumVersion) ps)
33 -- |Solution to part B
34 part16B :: Text -> Int
35 part16B = decodePacket . parse16
37 decodePacket :: Packet -> Int
38 decodePacket (PacketLit _ n) = n
39 decodePacket (PacketOp _ 0 ps) = foldl' (\acc -> (+) acc . decodePacket) 0 ps
40 decodePacket (PacketOp _ 1 ps) = foldl' (\acc -> (*) acc . decodePacket) 1 ps
41 decodePacket (PacketOp _ 2 ps) = minimum (map decodePacket ps)
42 decodePacket (PacketOp _ 3 ps) = maximum (map decodePacket ps)
43 decodePacket (PacketOp _ 5 [p1, p2])
44 | decodePacket p1 > decodePacket p2 = 1
45 | otherwise = 0
46 decodePacket (PacketOp _ 6 [p1, p2])
47 | decodePacket p1 < decodePacket p2 = 1
48 | otherwise = 0
49 decodePacket (PacketOp _ 7 [p1, p2])
50 | decodePacket p1 == decodePacket p2 = 1
51 | otherwise = 0
52 decodePacket PacketOp {} = error "unknown operator packet"
54 type Version = Int
55 type PType = Int
56 data Packet
57 = PacketLit Version Int
58 | PacketOp Version PType [Packet]
59 deriving Show
61 -- |Parse.
62 parse16 :: Text -> Packet
63 parse16 = fromRight . parseOnly parser . hexToBin
64 where
65 parser = packet <* atEnd
66 packet = packetLit <|> packetOp
68 packetLit = PacketLit <$> bitN 3 <* string "100" <*> (asInt . concat <$> litNumber)
69 litNumber = litQuad
70 litQuad = mappend <$> many litInit <*> ((: []) <$> litTail)
71 litInit = char '1' *> count 4 bit
72 litTail = char '0' *> count 4 bit
74 packetOp = PacketOp <$> bitN 3 <*> bitN 3 <*> (lenPacket <|> numPacket)
75 lenPacket = do
76 _ <- char '0'
77 len <- bitN 15
78 parseOf (P.take len) (many1 packet)
79 numPacket = do
80 _ <- char '1'
81 packets <- bitN 11
82 count packets packet
84 bitN n = asInt <$> count n bit
85 asInt = convert . reverse
86 bit = read . (: []) <$> binary
87 binary = char '0' <|> char '1'
89 constP :: Parser a -> Text -> Parser a
90 constP p t = case parseOnly p t of
91 Left _ -> empty
92 Right a -> return a
94 parseOf :: Parser Text -> Parser a -> Parser a
95 parseOf ptxt pa = bothParse
96 where
97 bothParse = ptxt >>= constP pa
99 hexToBin :: Text -> Text
100 hexToBin = T.concat . map hexToBits . L.toList
102 convert :: [Int] -> Int
103 convert [] = 0
104 convert (x : xs) = x + 2 * convert xs
106 hexToBits :: Char -> Text
107 hexToBits '0' = "0000"
108 hexToBits '1' = "0001"
109 hexToBits '2' = "0010"
110 hexToBits '3' = "0011"
111 hexToBits '4' = "0100"
112 hexToBits '5' = "0101"
113 hexToBits '6' = "0110"
114 hexToBits '7' = "0111"
115 hexToBits '8' = "1000"
116 hexToBits '9' = "1001"
117 hexToBits 'A' = "1010"
118 hexToBits 'B' = "1011"
119 hexToBits 'C' = "1100"
120 hexToBits 'D' = "1101"
121 hexToBits 'E' = "1110"
122 hexToBits 'F' = "1111"
123 hexToBits _ = ""