never executed always true always false
1 {-|
2 Module: Y2021.D14
3 Description: Advent of Code 2021 Day 14 Solutions.
4 License: MIT
5 Maintainer: @tylerjl
7 Solutions to the 2021 day 14 set of problems for <>.
8 -}
9 module Y2021.D14
10 ( parse14
11 , part14A
12 , part14B
13 ) where
15 import Data.Attoparsec.Text
16 import Data.Either.Utils (fromRight)
17 import Data.Foldable (foldl')
18 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
19 import Data.Monoid
20 import Data.MultiSet (MultiSet)
21 import Data.Text (Text)
22 import Data.Tuple.Extra ((&&&))
24 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
25 import qualified Data.MultiSet as S
27 type PolySubs = Map String Char
28 type Polymer = Map String (Sum Int)
30 -- |Solution to part A
31 part14A :: Text -> Int
32 part14A = uncurry (solve14 10) . parse14
34 -- |Solution to part B
35 part14B :: Text -> Int
36 part14B = uncurry (solve14 40) . parse14
38 -- |Day 14 solution applicable to either parts A or B. Most of the dirty work
39 -- happens in `react`, but this does the output calculation logic.
40 solve14 :: Int -> Polymer -> PolySubs -> S.Occur
41 solve14 iterations polymer subs =
42 abs $
43 uncurry subtract $
44 (minimum &&& maximum) $
45 map (adjust . snd) $
46 S.toOccurList $ aggregate $ flip (!!) iterations $ iterate (react subs) polymer
47 where
48 adjust n
49 | even n = n `div` 2
50 | otherwise = (n + 1) `div` 2
52 -- |Turn our map of tracked pairs into a `MultiSet` of characters. This number
53 -- won't offer the solution (occurrences for each character) but just needs
54 -- minor adjustments later to be accurate.
55 aggregate :: Map [Char] (Sum S.Occur) -> MultiSet Char
56 aggregate (M.toList -> chains) = foldl' summate S.empty chains
57 where
58 summate acc (chain, getSum -> n) = foldl' addTo acc $ zip (repeat n) chain
59 where
60 addTo multiset (instances, sym) =
61 S.insertMany sym instances multiset
63 -- |Function that's suitable to be fed into `iterate`. It's probably fairly
64 -- memory-hungry since it builds up some big structures recursively, but it does
65 -- the job.
66 react :: PolySubs -> Polymer -> Polymer
67 react subs polymer = foldl' expand M.empty (M.toList polymer)
68 where
69 expand newPoly (chain@[a, b], n) =
70 case M.lookup chain subs of
71 Nothing -> addSum newPoly chain n
72 Just sub -> foldl' (uncurry . addSum) newPoly chains
73 where chains = zip [[a, sub], [sub, b]] (repeat n)
74 expand _ _ = error "unreachable"
76 -- |Rearrange a few arguments to make inserting a running sum easier.
77 addSum :: Polymer -> String -> Sum Int -> Polymer
78 addSum set k v = M.insertWith mappend k v set
80 -- |Pair up adjacent list elements into groups of two.
81 twos :: [a] -> [[a]]
82 twos (a:b:xs) = [a, b] : twos (b : xs)
83 twos _ = []
85 -- |Parse out a sequence of chars followed by the reaction translations.
86 parse14 :: Text -> (Polymer, PolySubs)
87 parse14 = fromRight . parseOnly (parser <* endOfLine <* endOfInput)
88 where
89 parser =
90 (,) <$> (template <* endOfLine) <*>
91 (M.fromList <$> sub `sepBy1` endOfLine)
92 template =
93 M.fromList . flip zip (repeat (Sum 1)) . twos <$> many1 cap <* endOfLine
94 sub = (,) <$> caps <* string " -> " <*> cap
95 caps = many1 cap
96 cap = satisfy (`elem` ['A' .. 'Z'])