never executed always true always false
1 {-|
2 Module: Y2021.D11
3 Description: Advent of Code 2021 Day 11 Solutions.
4 License: MIT
5 Maintainer: @tylerjl
7 Solutions to the 2021 day 11 set of problems for <>.
8 -}
9 module Y2021.D11
10 ( parse11
11 , part11A
12 , part11B
13 , solve11A
14 , solve11B
15 ) where
17 import Data.Attoparsec.Text
18 import Data.Either.Utils (fromRight)
19 import Data.Monoid
20 import Data.Text (Text)
21 import Math.Geometry.Grid
22 import Math.Geometry.Grid.Octagonal (rectOctGrid, RectOctGrid)
23 import Math.Geometry.GridMap
24 import Math.Geometry.GridMap.Lazy
26 import qualified Math.Geometry.GridMap as G
28 -- |A GADT is useful here; although we could wrap an `Int` it's nice to have
29 -- something with a bit more state
30 data Octopus a
31 = Flashed
32 | Flashing
33 | Unflashed a
34 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
35 -- |Type alias for better readability.
36 type Octopi = LGridMap RectOctGrid (Octopus Int)
38 -- |Solution to part A
39 part11A :: Text -> Int
40 part11A = solve11A . parse11
42 -- |Solve part A
43 solve11A :: Octopi -> Int
44 solve11A = getSum . fst . flip (!!) 100 . iterate octoStep . (,) (Sum 0)
46 -- |Solution to part B
47 part11B :: Text -> Int
48 part11B = solve11B . parse11
50 -- |Solve part B
51 solve11B :: Octopi -> Int
52 solve11B = go 1 . step
53 where
54 go n octopi
55 | all isFlashed octopi = n
56 | otherwise
57 = go (succ n) (step $ reset octopi)
58 step = octoStep' . succ'
60 -- |This is primarily for part A, which asks for iterative steps through the
61 -- grid but also a running sum of flashes. We could probably make it more
62 -- efficient with `State` to track a running sum, but this is pretty simple and
63 -- I know it works.
64 octoStep :: (Sum Int, Octopi) -> (Sum Int, Octopi)
65 octoStep (flashes, octopi)
66 = ( flashes + foldMap flashed octopi'
67 , reset octopi'
68 )
69 where
70 octopi' = octoStep' $ succ' octopi
71 flashed Flashed = Sum 1
72 flashed _ = 0
74 -- |Step function to increment an `Octopus`, with the ceiling being `Flashing`
75 -- (we don't downgrade to `Flashed` outside of `octoStep'`)
76 succ' :: Octopus Int -> Octopus Int
77 succ' (Unflashed (succ -> n))
78 | n > 9 = Flashing
79 | otherwise = Unflashed n
80 succ' other = other
82 -- |After steps, we call this function on `Octopus` grid in order to turn it
83 -- into a clean state for the next iteration.
84 reset :: Octopus Int -> Octopus Int
85 reset Flashed = Unflashed 0
86 reset Flashing = error "something went wrong!"
87 reset other = other
89 -- |Recursive function to iterate an `Octopi` grid until the state has settled
90 -- and no flashing `Octopus` change the state.
91 octoStep' :: Octopi -> Octopi
92 octoStep' gOrig@(G.mapWithKey (observeFlash gOrig) -> gStepped)
93 | gOrig == gStepped = gOrig
94 | otherwise = octoStep' gStepped
96 -- |On a given iteration, we can map the grid and test the flashes of adjacent
97 -- neighbors to increment the level of this `Octopus`. It's important that: we
98 -- increment the right number of times, and that each `Octopus` _stops_ flashing
99 -- after one step, which we can do with a simple pattern match.
100 observeFlash :: Octopi -> (Int, Int) -> Octopus Int -> Octopus Int
101 observeFlash _ _ Flashed = Flashed
102 observeFlash _ _ Flashing = Flashed
103 observeFlash g point oct@(Unflashed _)
104 = iterate succ' oct !! length adjacentFlashers
105 where
106 adjacentFlashers = [x | x <- neighbours g point, isFlashing (g ! x)]
108 -- |Simple predicate to check for a flashing octopus.
109 isFlashing :: Octopus a -> Bool
110 isFlashing Flashing = True
111 isFlashing _ = False
113 -- |Check whether this octopus has flashed.
114 isFlashed :: Octopus a -> Bool
115 isFlashed Flashed = True
116 isFlashed _ = False
118 -- |Parse puzzle input into a octagon rectangular grid. Need octagons in order
119 -- to correctly ask for diagonal neighbors.
120 parse11 :: Text -> Octopi
121 parse11 = fromRight . parseOnly (grid <$> parser)
122 where
123 grid [] = error "empty input"
124 grid rows@(row:_) =
125 lazyGridMap (rectOctGrid (length row) (length rows)) (concat rows)
126 parser = line `sepBy1` endOfLine <* atEnd
127 line = many1 (Unflashed . read . (: []) <$> digit)