never executed always true always false
    1 {-|
    2 Module:      Y2021.D10
    3 Description: Advent of Code 2021 Day 10 Solutions.
    4 License:     MIT
    5 Maintainer:  @tylerjl
    7 Solutions to the 2021 day 10 set of problems for <>.
    8 -}
    9 module Y2021.D10
   10   ( part10A
   11   , part10B
   12   , parse10
   13   ) where
   15 import Control.Monad     (foldM)
   16 import Data.Either.Extra (lefts, rights)
   17 import Data.Foldable     (foldl')
   18 import Data.List         (sort)
   19 import Data.Text         (Text)
   20 import Witch
   22 import qualified Data.Text as T
   24 -- |Solve part A
   25 part10A :: Text -> Int
   26 part10A = sum . map errorTable . lefts . map (parse10 . into @String) . T.lines
   28 -- |Character lookup table for part A
   29 errorTable :: Char -> Int
   30 errorTable c | c == '(' || c == ')' = 3
   31 errorTable c | c == '[' || c == ']' = 57
   32 errorTable c | c == '{' || c == '}' = 1197
   33 errorTable c | c == '<' || c == '>' = 25137
   34 errorTable _ = 0
   36 -- |Solve part B
   37 part10B :: Text -> Int
   38 part10B
   39   -- Then convert them to scores, custom score, and get the median
   40   = median . sort . map (foldl' score 0 . fmap syntaxPoints)
   41   -- Get all valid unterminated syntaxes
   42   . rights . map (parse10 . into @String) . T.lines
   44 -- |Manual parser for a given input string. I tried a `Seq` intially, just a
   45 -- stock `List`s as a stack works just as well.
   46 parse10 :: [Char] -> Either Char [Char]
   47 parse10 = fmap (map pair') . foldM go []
   48   where
   49     go [] c
   50       | opener c = pure [c]
   51       | otherwise = Left c
   52     go acc c | opener c = pure (c:acc)
   53     go ('(':acc) ')' = pure acc
   54     go ('{':acc) '}' = pure acc
   55     go ('[':acc) ']' = pure acc
   56     go ('<':acc) '>' = pure acc
   57     go _ c = Left c
   58     opener c = c == '(' || c == '[' || c == '{' || c == '<'
   60 -- |Utility to lookup the pairwise values for a expression opener/closer.
   61 pair' :: Char -> Char
   62 pair' '(' = ')'
   63 pair' ')' = '('
   64 pair' '{' = '}'
   65 pair' '}' = '{'
   66 pair' ']' = '['
   67 pair' '[' = ']'
   68 pair' '<' = '>'
   69 pair' '>' = '<'
   70 pair'  _  = error "invalid pair"
   72 -- |Silly little median function
   73 median :: [a] -> a
   74 median []    = error "empty list"
   75 median [x]   = x
   76 median [x,_] = x
   77 median xs    = median $ init $ tail xs
   79 -- |Expresses the scoring algorithm for part B, suitable for use in a fold
   80 score :: Num a => a -> a -> a
   81 score total n = (total * 5) + n
   83 -- |Maps the characters for part B into their given values.
   84 syntaxPoints :: Num p => Char -> p
   85 syntaxPoints ')' = 1
   86 syntaxPoints ']' = 2
   87 syntaxPoints '}' = 3
   88 syntaxPoints '>' = 4
   89 syntaxPoints  _  = 0