never executed always true always false
1 {-|
2 Module: Y2021.D09
3 Description: Advent of Code 2021 Day 09 Solutions.
4 License: MIT
5 Maintainer: @tylerjl
7 Solutions to the 2021 day 09 set of problems for <>.
8 -}
9 module Y2021.D09
10 ( part9A
11 , part9B
12 , parse9
13 )
14 where
16 import Data.Attoparsec.Text hiding (take)
17 import Data.Either.Utils (fromRight)
18 import Data.List (group, sort, sortOn)
19 import Data.List.Extra (nubOrdOn)
20 import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
21 import Data.Ord (Down(Down))
22 import Data.Text (Text)
23 import Math.Geometry.Grid
24 import Math.Geometry.Grid.Square
25 import Math.Geometry.GridMap hiding (map)
26 import Math.Geometry.GridMap.Lazy (lazyGridMap, LGridMap)
28 -- |Type alias for better readability.
29 type Point = (Int, Int)
30 -- |Type alias for better readability.
31 type SeaFloor = LGridMap RectSquareGrid Int
32 -- |Type alias for better readability.
33 type Basins = LGridMap RectSquareGrid (Maybe (Point, Int))
35 -- |Solve part A
36 part9A :: Text -> Int
37 part9A = sum . map (succ . snd) . nubOrdOn fst . findBasins . parse9
39 -- |Solve part B
40 part9B :: Text -> Int
41 part9B =
42 product .
43 take 3 .
44 sortOn Down . map length . group . sort . map fst . findBasins . parse9
46 -- |Some common glue between our mapping function and extracting the values
47 -- we're interested in.
48 findBasins :: SeaFloor -> [(Point, Int)]
49 findBasins = catMaybes . elems . basins
51 -- |Recursive map over `SeaFloor` that turns each grid point into a possible
52 -- representation of the basin this point flows to. `Grid` takes the brunt of
53 -- the boilterplate here with `neighbours` and `mapWithKey`.
54 basins :: SeaFloor -> Basins
55 basins g = mapWithKey toBasins g
56 where
57 -- Although `basins` is the top-level map, toBasins is what we'll
58 -- recursively call when we find a point that has to map to a low point
59 -- somewhere.
60 toBasins point value
61 | value == 9 = Nothing
62 | [] <- adjacent = Just (point, value)
63 | otherwise = minimum (map (uncurry toBasins) adjacent)
64 where
65 adjacent = [(x, g ! x) | x <- neighbours g point, g ! x < value]
67 -- |Parse puzzle input into a `Grid`. I could probably do the conversion from
68 -- `[[Int]]` to `Grid outside of the parser, but it's nice to go directly to the
69 -- main data structure for the problem.
70 parse9 :: Text -> SeaFloor
71 parse9 = fromRight . parseOnly (grid <$> parser)
72 where
73 grid [] = error "empty input"
74 grid rows@(row:_) =
75 lazyGridMap (rectSquareGrid (length row) (length rows)) (concat rows)
76 parser = line `sepBy1` endOfLine <* atEnd
77 line = many1 (read . (: []) <$> digit)