never executed always true always false
    1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
    2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
    3 {-|
    4 Module:      Y2021.D08
    5 Description: Advent of Code 2021 Day 08 Solutions.
    6 License:     MIT
    7 Maintainer:  @tylerjl
    9 Solutions to the 2021 day 08 set of problems for <>.
   10 -}
   11 module Y2021.D08
   12   ( part8A
   13   , part8B
   14   , parse8
   15   , solve8A
   16   )
   17   where
   19 import Control.Applicative
   20 import Control.DeepSeq             (NFData)
   21 import Data.Attoparsec.Text hiding (take)
   22 import Data.Either.Utils           (fromRight)
   23 import Data.HashMap.Strict         (HashMap)
   24 import Data.Hashable               (Hashable)
   25 import Data.List                   (sort)
   26 import Data.Map.Strict             (Map)
   27 import Data.Maybe                  (mapMaybe)
   28 import Data.Monoid
   29 import Data.Text                   (Text)
   30 import GHC.Generics                (Generic)
   32 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
   33 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
   35 -- |Guess I'll use a sum type for this
   36 data Signal = SigA | SigB | SigC | SigD | SigE | SigF | SigG
   37   deriving (Bounded, Enum, Generic, Hashable, Eq, Ord, Show, NFData)
   39 -- |Just a type alias for readability.
   40 type SignalSequence = [Signal]
   41 -- |Just a type alias for readability.
   42 type Entry = ([SignalSequence], [SignalSequence])
   43 -- |Just a type alias for readability.
   44 type SignalEntries = [Entry]
   46 -- |Solve part A
   47 part8A :: Text -> Int
   48 part8A = solve8A . parse8
   50 -- |This one is for benching apart from the parsing overhead.
   51 solve8A :: [(a, [SignalSequence])] -> Int
   52 solve8A = length . filter part8APredicate . concatMap snd
   54 -- |Our simple predicate for part A per the instructions.
   55 part8APredicate :: SignalSequence -> Bool
   56 part8APredicate (length -> size)
   57   = size == 2 || size == 4 || size == 3 || size == 7
   59 -- |Solve part B
   60 part8B :: Text -> Int
   61 part8B = sum . map (uncurry freqDecode) . parse8
   63 -- |This gets run for each line of problem input. Take the scrambled numbers, a
   64 -- list of digits to decode, and: figure out the mapping to the real signals,
   65 -- replace the signals in the digit input, and then turn them into numbers and
   66 -- sum them.
   67 freqDecode :: [SignalSequence] -> [SignalSequence] -> Int
   68 freqDecode (composeCodes -> mappings) =
   69   signalSum . mapMaybe (flip HM.lookup sigMap . sort . translate)
   70   where
   71     translate signals = mapMaybe (`M.lookup` mappings) signals
   73 -- |Take a scrambled input, and hand back what the mapping for each of its
   74 -- "wrong" inputs are for the real signals.
   75 composeCodes :: [SignalSequence] -> Map Signal Signal
   76 composeCodes = M.compose freqGolden . invertMap . freqMap
   78 -- |Utility function; take a map and invert the key/values
   79 invertMap :: Ord b => Map a b -> Map b a
   80 invertMap = M.fromList . map (\(x, y) -> (y, x)) . M.toList
   82 {-|This is where the bulk of the brain wrinkling takes place.
   84 First, accept scrambled input and run `occurrences` across it, which makes a way
   85 to uniquely identify the signature for a signal type.
   87 Then, we zip that with the signal itself, which lets us make a map pointing from
   88 the frequency list to the chosen signal. Thus, the key for this map should be
   89 the commonality between the puzzle "key", or unscrambled input, and the same
   90 frequency function run across scrambled inputs.
   91 -}
   92 freqMap :: [SignalSequence] -> Map [Int] Signal
   93 freqMap = M.fromList . flip zip all' . flip map all' . flip occurrences
   94   where
   95     all' = [minBound .. maxBound]
   97 -- |Accept a list of signal sequences, a signal to check, and derive a
   98 -- "signature" that indicates a) which coded input it appears in and b) how many
   99 -- elements are in that coded input. This ends up creating a unique key that is
  100 -- identical to the same result if you run the algorithm across a scrambled
  101 -- input.
  102 occurrences :: Signal -> [SignalSequence] -> [Int]
  103 occurrences signal = sort . map length . filter (signal `elem`)
  105 -- |Run the fancy `freqMap` over the "known good" set of signals to come up with
  106 -- a "key" to use later.
  107 freqGolden :: Map [Int] Signal
  108 freqGolden = freqMap $ HM.keys sigMap
  110 -- |The resultant list of integers needs to be adjusted to each's respective
  111 -- position in the list (turn them into the right 10's, 100's, etc.)
  112 signalSum :: [Int] -> Int
  113 signalSum = getSum . mconcat . zipWith pow ([0..] :: [Int]) . reverse
  114   where
  115     pow n int = Sum $ (10 ^ n) * int
  117 -- |These are the magic combinations from the puzzle description that indicate
  118 -- how sequences of signals map to a digit.
  119 sigMap :: HashMap SignalSequence Int
  120 sigMap = HM.fromList $ zip
  121   [ [SigA, SigB, SigC, SigE, SigF, SigG]
  122   , [SigC, SigF]
  123   , [SigA, SigC, SigD, SigE, SigG]
  124   , [SigA, SigC, SigD, SigF, SigG]
  125   , [SigB, SigC, SigD, SigF]
  126   , [SigA, SigB, SigD, SigF, SigG]
  127   , [SigA, SigB, SigD, SigE, SigF, SigG]
  128   , [SigA, SigC, SigF]
  129   , [SigA, SigB, SigC, SigD, SigE, SigF, SigG]
  130   , [SigA, SigB, SigC, SigD, SigF, SigG]
  131   ] [0..]
  133 -- |Parse puzzle input into a list of `Int`s with faster attoparsec.
  134 parse8 :: Text -> SignalEntries
  135 parse8 = fromRight . parseOnly parser
  136   where
  137     parser = entry `sepBy1` endOfLine <* endOfLine
  138     entry = (,) <$> pattern' <* string " | " <*> pattern'
  139     pattern' = many1 signal `sepBy1` satisfy isHorizontalSpace
  140     signal = SigA <$ char 'a'
  141              <|> SigB <$ char 'b'
  142              <|> SigC <$ char 'c'
  143              <|> SigD <$ char 'd'
  144              <|> SigE <$ char 'e'
  145              <|> SigF <$ char 'f'
  146              <|> SigG <$ char 'g'