never executed always true always false
1 {-|
2 Module: Y2021.D04
3 Description: Advent of Code 2021 Day 04 Solutions.
4 License: MIT
5 Maintainer: @tylerjl
7 Solutions to the 2021 day 04 set of problems for <>.
8 -}
9 module Y2021.D04 where
11 import Data.Attoparsec.Text
12 import Data.List (transpose)
13 import Data.Maybe (isNothing, catMaybes)
14 import Data.Monoid (Sum (Sum), getSum)
15 import Data.Set (Set)
16 import Data.Text (Text)
17 import qualified Data.Set as S
19 -- |Fancy data type to represent _game_ state, not just a card
20 newtype Bingo a = Bingo a deriving Show
21 -- |I'm not sure if a derive would get this right
22 instance Functor Bingo where
23 fmap f (Bingo a) = Bingo (f a)
24 -- |Represents a game board state
25 data Card = CardArr [[Square]]
26 | CardSet RowSet ColSet
27 deriving Show
28 -- |Alternative game board representation
29 type ColSet = Set (Set (Sum Int))
30 type RowSet = Set (Set (Sum Int))
31 -- |Small wrapper over how to record marked/unmarked squares
32 type Square = Maybe (Sum Int)
34 -- |Solve part A
35 part4A :: Text -> Int
36 part4A (bingoParser -> Right (ns, cs)) = solve4 head ns cs
37 part4A (bingoParser -> Left err) = error err
39 -- |Solve part A - with sets!
40 part4ASet :: Text -> Int
41 part4ASet (bingoParser -> Right (ns, map (fmap intoSet) -> cs)) =
42 solve4 head ns cs
43 part4ASet (bingoParser -> Left err) = error err
45 -- |Solve part B
46 part4B :: Text -> Int
47 part4B (bingoParser -> Right (ns, cs)) = solve4 last ns cs
48 part4B (bingoParser -> Left err) = error err
50 -- |Solve part B - with sets!
51 part4BSet :: Text -> Int
52 part4BSet (bingoParser -> Right (ns, map (fmap intoSet) -> cs)) =
53 solve4 last ns cs
54 part4BSet (bingoParser -> Left err) = error err
56 -- |Transform a bingo game from multidimensional-array based to a set-based
57 -- game.
58 intoSet :: Card -> Card
59 intoSet (CardArr (map catMaybes -> rows)) = CardSet rows' cols'
60 where rows' = S.fromList $ map S.fromList rows
61 cols' = S.fromList $ map S.fromList (transpose rows)
62 intoSet c@(CardSet _ _) = c
64 -- |Fortunately both A and B are just asking slightly different questions, so we
65 -- have a higher-order function to determine how to pull the matching value from
66 -- our resultant list.
67 solve4 :: ([(Int, Bingo Card)] -> (Int, Bingo Card)) -> [Int] -> [Bingo Card] -> Int
68 solve4 f x = tally . f . iterateMap x
70 -- |Problem-defined method of scoring a card. The "in-progress" scoring isn't
71 -- actually ever used. Probably a bug.
72 tally :: (Int, Bingo Card) -> Int
73 tally (n, Bingo card) = n * sumCard card
75 -- |Yank out the total values for a card.
76 sumCard :: Card -> Int
77 sumCard (CardArr board) = (getSum . mconcat . catMaybes . concat) board
78 sumCard (CardSet rows cols)
79 | any S.null rows = sumSet rows
80 | otherwise = sumSet cols
81 where sumSet = getSum . S.fold mappend (Sum 0) . (S.fold mappend (Sum 0))
83 -- |Our main recursive loop to walk through the "called" numbers. We return a
84 -- list solely of elements that meet the "ended" predicate.
85 iterateMap :: [Int] -> [Bingo Card] -> [(Int, Bingo Card)]
86 iterateMap [] _ = []
87 iterateMap (n:nums) cards = zip (repeat n) needles ++ iterateMap nums haystacks
88 where (needles, haystacks) = mark ([], []) n cards
90 -- |Accept a list of `Bingo Card`s and update each with the called number.
91 mark :: ([Bingo Card], [Bingo Card]) -> Int -> [Bingo Card] -> ([Bingo Card], [Bingo Card])
92 mark acc _ [] = acc
93 mark (l, r) num (card:cards)
94 | gameEnd card' = mark (card' : l, r) num cards
95 | otherwise = mark (l, card' : r) num cards
96 where card' = markRows num card
98 -- |Update a `Card` - we make the determination to "end" a game here, so as soon
99 -- as its "won" the type swaps over to the ended value.
100 markRows :: Int -> Bingo Card -> Bingo Card
101 markRows n (Bingo (CardArr board)) = Bingo $ CardArr $ map (map (markRow n)) board
102 where
103 markRow _ Nothing = Nothing
104 markRow n' a@(Just (Sum b)) | b == n' = Nothing
105 | otherwise = a
106 markRows n (Bingo (CardSet rows cols)) = Bingo $ CardSet (markSet rows) (markSet cols)
107 where markSet = (S.delete (Sum n))
109 -- |Important function to determine if a card is a winning card.
110 gameEnd :: Bingo Card -> Bool
111 gameEnd (Bingo (CardArr card))
112 = check card || (check . transpose) card
113 where check = any (all isNothing)
114 gameEnd (Bingo (CardSet rows cols))
115 = any S.null rows || any S.null cols
117 -- |This is a sort of hairy, but all-in-one, parser for the problem set input. 5
118 -- is a magic number for board size.
119 bingoParser :: Text -> Either String ([Int], [Bingo Card])
120 bingoParser = parseOnly parser
121 where
122 parser = (,) <$> (lottoParser <* endOfLine) <*> cardsParser <* atEnd
123 lottoParser = decimal `sepBy1` char ',' <* endOfLine
124 rowParser = (Just . Sum <$> decimal) `sepBy1` many1 (char ' ')
125 cardParser = Bingo . CardArr <$>
126 count 5 (many' space *> rowParser <* endOfLine)
127 cardsParser = cardParser `sepBy1` endOfLine