never executed always true always false
1 {-|
2 Module: Y2015.D25
3 Description: Advent of Code Day 25 Solutions.
4 License: MIT
5 Maintainer: @tylerjl
7 Solutions to the day 25 set of problems for <>.
9 Implements a simple function to return the machine code at a position
10 indicated by plaintext input for a row and column.
11 -}
13 module Y2015.D25 (manualCodeFrom) where
15 type Point = (Int, Int)
17 -- |Return the manual code found at the indicated row and column
18 -- |from human-readable input.
19 manualCodeFrom :: String -- ^ Plaintext instruction input.
20 -> Integer -- ^ Numerical code found at the indicated position.
21 manualCodeFrom = (!!) manualSeq . toPos . toPoint
22 where toPos (x, y) = (i - 1) * (i - 2) `div` 2 + i - x - 1
23 where i = x + y
25 toPoint :: String -> Point
26 toPoint = go . words
27 where go s = (grab 15, grab 17)
28 where grab = read . init . (!!) s
30 manualSeq :: [Integer]
31 manualSeq = iterate f 20151125 where
32 f = flip mod 33554393 . (*) 252533