never executed always true always false
1 {-|
2 Module: Y2015.D24
3 Description: Advent of Code Day 24 Solutions.
4 License: MIT
5 Maintainer: @tylerjl
7 Solutions to the day 24 set of problems for <>.
8 -}
10 module Y2015.D24
11 ( idealEntanglement
12 , idealEntanglementOptimized
13 )
14 where
16 import Data.Function (on)
17 import Data.List (find, groupBy, minimumBy, sortBy, subsequences)
18 import Data.Ord (comparing)
20 -- |Find the ideal entanglement value for a given input of packages.
21 idealEntanglement :: Int -- ^ How many compartments to divide amongst.
22 -> String {-^
23 Input as a string containing newlined-separated
24 list of package weights.
25 -}
26 -> Int {-^
27 Ideal entanglement value for the resulting
28 package distribution.
29 -}
30 idealEntanglement compartments input =
31 product $ minimumBy (mconcat santasPredicates) seqs
32 where weights = map read $ lines input
33 balanced = sum weights `quot` compartments
34 isBalanced = (==) balanced . sum
35 seqs = filter isBalanced $ subsequences weights
36 santasPredicates = [comparing length, comparing product]
38 -- |Find the ideal entanglement value for a given input of packages.
39 idealEntanglementOptimized :: Int -- ^ How many compartments to divide amongst.
40 -> String {-^
41 Input as a string containing newlined-separated
42 list of package weights.
43 -}
44 -> Maybe Int {-^
45 Ideal entanglement value for the resulting
46 package distribution if one can be found.
47 -}
48 idealEntanglementOptimized compartments input =
49 case seqs of
50 Just groups -> Just $ minimum $ map product groups
51 Nothing -> Nothing
52 where weights = map read $ lines input
53 balanced = sum weights `quot` compartments
54 isBalanced = (==) balanced . sum
55 seqs = find (any isBalanced) $
56 groupBy ((==) `on` length) $
57 sortBy (compare `on` length) $
58 subsequences weights