never executed always true always false
    1 {-|
    2 Module:      Y2015.D18
    3 Description: Advent of Code Day 18 Solutions.
    4 License:     MIT
    5 Maintainer:  @tylerjl
    7 Solutions to the day 18 set of problems for <>.
    8 -}
   10 {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
   12 module Y2015.D18 (animateLights, animateStuckLights) where
   14 import           Data.Array.Repa              ((:.)(..), Array, DIM2, U, Z(..))
   15 import qualified Data.Array.Repa as           R
   16 import           Data.Array.Repa.Stencil      (Boundary(..), Stencil)
   17 import           Data.Array.Repa.Stencil.Dim2 (makeStencil2, mapStencil2, stencil2)
   18 import           Data.Bits                    ((.|.), Bits(..))
   19 import           Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base     (Unbox)
   21 type Lights a = Array U DIM2 a
   23 -- |Animates an example light grid
   24 animateLights :: String -- ^ Raw string representing starting state
   25               -> Int    -- ^ Number of cycles to let animations repeat
   26               -> Int    -- ^ Number of lit lights
   27 animateLights s n = R.sumAllS $ iterate animate (initialGrid s) !! n
   29 -- |Animates an example light grid with stuck lights
   30 animateStuckLights :: String -- ^ Raw string representing starting state
   31                    -> Int    -- ^ Number of cycles to let animations repeat
   32                    -> Int    -- ^ Number of lit lights
   33 animateStuckLights s n = R.sumAllS $ iterate (stuck e . animate) g' !! n
   34     where g  = initialGrid s
   35           e  = R.extent g
   36           g' = stuck e g
   38 stuck :: (Bits a, Num a, Unbox a) => R.DIM2 -> Lights a -> Lights a
   39 stuck e = R.computeS . R.zipWith (.|.) (stuckLights e)
   41 stuckLights :: (Num a, Unbox a) => R.DIM2 -> Lights a
   42 stuckLights sh = R.fromListUnboxed sh [corner x | x <- [1..s]]
   43     where s      = R.size sh
   44           i      = truncate ((sqrt $ fromIntegral s) :: Double)
   45           corner 1 = 1
   46           corner n | n == i           = 1
   47                    | n == s           = 1
   48                    | n == (s - i) + 1 = 1
   49                    | otherwise        = 0
   51 animate :: Lights Int -> Lights Int
   52 animate grid = R.computeS $ R.zipWith step grid adjacent
   53     where adjacent = mapStencil2 (BoundConst 0) stencil grid
   55 step :: Int -> Int -> Int
   56 step 1 2 = 1
   57 step 1 3 = 1
   58 step 0 3 = 1
   59 step _ _ = 0
   61 stencil :: Stencil DIM2 Int
   62 stencil = [stencil2| 1  1  1
   63                      1  0  1
   64                      1  1  1 |]
   66 initialGrid :: (Num a, Unbox a) => String -> Lights a
   67 initialGrid s = R.fromListUnboxed (Z :. size :. size :: R.DIM2) lights
   68     where scrubbed    = filter (/= '\n') s
   69           size        = truncate ((sqrt $ fromIntegral $ length scrubbed) :: Double)
   70           lights      = map toLight scrubbed
   71           toLight '#' = 1
   72           toLight  _  = 0