never executed always true always false
1 {-|
2 Module: Y2015.D09
3 Description: Advent of Code Day 09 Solutions.
4 License: MIT
5 Maintainer: @tylerjl
7 Solutions to the day 09 set of problems for <>.
8 -}
10 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
12 module Y2015.D09
13 ( longestRoute
14 , routeParser
15 , shortestRoute
16 )
17 where
19 import Y2015.Util (intParser)
21 import Data.List (permutations)
22 import Data.Map ((!), Map, fromListWith, keys, singleton, union)
23 import qualified Data.Map as Map
24 import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
25 import Safe (maximumMay, minimumMay)
26 import Text.Parsec (many1, optional, skipMany1, string)
27 import Text.Parsec.Char (endOfLine, letter, space)
28 import Text.Parsec.String (Parser)
30 type City = String
31 type Distance = Int
32 data Route = Route City City Distance
33 deriving (Show, Eq)
35 -- |Parsec parser for the 'Route' type
36 routeParser :: Parser [Route] -- ^ 'Route' parser
37 routeParser = many1 (parseRoute <* optional endOfLine)
39 parseRoute :: Parser Route
40 parseRoute = Route <$> many1 letter <* pSep "to"
41 <*> many1 letter <* pSep "="
42 <*> intParser
43 where pSep s = many1 space *> string s *> skipMany1 space
45 -- Each key represents the start, with possible destination values,
46 -- which are keys to the distance to that destination.
47 -- We flip destinations to fully express all available routes.
48 drawMap :: [Route] -> Map City (Map City Distance)
49 drawMap = fromListWith union . map toMap . concatMap backTrack
50 where toMap (Route x y d) = (x, singleton y d)
51 backTrack (Route x y d) = [ Route x y d
52 , Route y x d ]
54 -- |Finds the shortest route given a list of routes
55 shortestRoute :: [Route] -- ^ List of route flight paths
56 -> Maybe Distance -- ^ Possibly shortest distance
57 shortestRoute = minimumMay . chart
59 -- |Finds the longest route given a list of routes
60 longestRoute :: [Route] -- ^ List of route flight paths
61 -> Maybe Distance -- ^ Possibly longest distance
62 longestRoute = maximumMay . chart
64 -- Create the map structure, gather a permutation of all cities,
65 -- and build the distance for each permutation. There's a chance
66 -- some cities will be unroutable (a partition on the routes), so
67 -- there's a possibility we may return an empty list (this is an internal
68 -- function though, so we account for that in the above wrapper
69 -- functions.)
70 chart :: [Route] -> [Distance]
71 chart routes = mapMaybe (plot . (zip <*> tail)) . permutations . keys $ worldMap
72 where worldMap = drawMap routes
73 plot = fmap sum . mapM travel
74 travel (a, b) | a `Map.member` worldMap = Map.lookup b (worldMap ! a)
75 | otherwise = Nothing