never executed always true always false
1 {-|
2 Module: Y2015.D06
3 Description: Advent of Code Day 06 Solutions.
4 License: MIT
5 Maintainer: @tylerjl
7 Solutions to the day 06 set of problems for <>.
8 -}
9 module Y2015.D06
10 ( testA
11 , testB
12 , Instruction(..)
13 , Range(..)
14 , parseInstructions
15 , configureGridA
16 , configureGridB
17 , lightSimulation
18 ) where
20 import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
21 import Data.List (foldl')
23 import qualified Data.Array.Repa as R
24 import Data.Array.Repa (Z(..), (:.)(..))
25 import qualified Text.Parsec as P
26 import Text.Parsec.Char (char, endOfLine)
27 import Text.Parsec.String (Parser)
28 import Data.Vector.Unboxed.Base (Unbox)
30 import Y2015.Util (regularParse, intParser)
32 type Point = (Int, Int)
34 -- |Represents a two-dimensional range of lights.
35 data Range =
36 Range Point
37 Point
38 deriving (Eq, Show)
40 -- |Type of light grid instruction.
41 data Instruction
42 = On Range
43 | Off Range
44 | Toggle Range
45 deriving (Show)
47 size :: Int
48 size = 1000
50 initialGrid :: R.Array R.U R.DIM2 Int
51 initialGrid =
52 R.fromListUnboxed (Z :. size :. size :: R.DIM2) (replicate (size * size) 0)
54 instructionsParser :: Parser [Instruction]
55 instructionsParser = P.many (instruction <* P.optional endOfLine)
57 instruction :: Parser Instruction
58 instruction = On <$> directive "turn on"
59 <|> Off <$> directive "turn off"
60 <|> Toggle <$> directive "toggle"
62 directive :: String -> Parser Range
63 directive s = P.skipMany1 (P.try (P.string s *> P.skipMany1 *> range
65 range :: Parser Range
66 range = Range <$> point <* P.string " through " <*> point
68 point :: Parser Point
69 point = (,) <$> intParser <* char ',' <*> intParser
71 -- |Folding function to aggregate computation for 'Instruction's per part
72 -- |A spec.
73 configureGridA
74 :: R.Array R.U R.DIM2 Int -- ^ Light grid.
75 -> Instruction -- ^ Operation 'Instruction'.
76 -> R.Array R.U R.DIM2 Int -- ^ Resultant light grid.
77 configureGridA a (On r) = switch a (const 1) r
78 configureGridA a (Off r) = switch a (const 0) r
79 configureGridA a (Toggle r) = switch a toggle r
81 -- |Folding function to aggregate computation for 'Instruction's per part
82 -- |B spec.
83 configureGridB
84 :: R.Array R.U R.DIM2 Int -- ^ Light grid.
85 -> Instruction -- ^ Operation 'Instruction'.
86 -> R.Array R.U R.DIM2 Int -- ^ Resultant light grid.
87 configureGridB a (On r) = switch a (+ 1) r
88 configureGridB a (Off r) = switch a dim r
89 configureGridB a (Toggle r) = switch a (+ 2) r
91 toggle :: Int -> Int
92 toggle 1 = 0
93 toggle _ = 1
95 dim :: Int -> Int
96 dim = max 0 . subtract 1
98 switch
99 :: (R.Source r a, Unbox a)
100 => R.Array r R.DIM2 a -> (a -> a) -> Range -> R.Array R.U R.DIM2 a
101 switch a f r = R.computeS $ R.traverse a id (set f r)
103 -- This is pretty confusing:
104 -- Custom mapping function (set the lights)
105 -- -> Range to apply the function upon
106 -- -> Function to retrieve original elements from
107 -- -> Original array constructor
108 -- -> New (or unchanged) value
109 set :: (a -> a) -> Range -> (R.DIM2 -> a) -> R.DIM2 -> a
110 set f (Range (x', y') (x'', y'')) g (Z :. x :. y)
111 | withinX && withinY = f orig
112 | otherwise = orig
113 where
114 withinX = x >= x' && x <= x''
115 withinY = y >= y' && y <= y''
116 orig = g (Z :. x :. y)
118 -- |Execute 'Instruction' and return number of lit lights per part A spec.
119 testA
120 :: Instruction -- ^ Given 'Instruction'.
121 -> Int -- ^ Number of lit lights.
122 testA = R.foldAllS (+) 0 . configureGridA initialGrid
124 -- |Execute 'Instruction' and return number of lit lights per part B spec.
125 testB
126 :: Instruction -- ^ Given 'Instruction'
127 -> Int -- ^ Number of lit lights.
128 testB = R.foldAllS (+) 0 . configureGridB initialGrid
130 -- |Parses a string into a list of 'Instruction's.
131 parseInstructions
132 :: String -- ^ Input string to parse.
133 -> [Instruction] -- ^ Either an error or parsed structure.
134 parseInstructions = either err suc . regularParse instructionsParser
135 where err = error . show
136 suc r = r
138 -- |Run a light simulation
139 lightSimulation
140 :: Foldable t
141 => (R.Array R.U R.DIM2 Int -> a -> R.Array R.U R.DIM2 Int) -- ^ REPA Light grid
142 -> t a -- ^ 'Instruction's
143 -> Int -- ^ Lit lights
144 lightSimulation f = R.sumAllS . foldl' f initialGrid